June Regatta - UKIDA Dart TT3 & Scottish Championships 8th & 9th June 2024

Published 13:23 on 20 Jun 2024
9 RTYC and 7 travellers from Bridlington and Runswick in Yorkshire, CV Sanguinet in France, along with Chris from Helensburgh, combined to have a great racing and social event at RTYC over the weekend of 8/9th June.
On Friday evening there was a Welcome BBQ in the main clubhouse sponsored by Grant Mitchell.
Saturday morning arrived, along with a very strong breeze from the West. Race Officer Iain Graham set a Windward/Leeward course up towards the Bridges and then down to a leeward mark East of the castle. With 28mph winds recorded there was some exiting sailing, especially downwind. And with the chop off the castle adding to the fun. A number of boats did some spectacular capsizes. 7 boats were recorded as finishing. With the wind showing no signs of abating, the RO decided to call it a day and allow boats (and bodies) to be repaired and refreshed for 4 planned races on Sunday. Saturday evening pizzas sponsored by Dominos Pizza was well received along with lots of discussion, beer and an impromptu presentation by Francois on all things dart related. A number of the visitors and locals then moved on to "The 'Ferry" until the wee hours of Sunday morning.
Sunday morning dawned with a lot of sore heads from the merriment of the previous evening. The wind had reduced slightly, but had moved to the North causing gusting. The RO set a different course to account for this wind direction and the remaining outgoing tide. This included a triangle and sausage type course. 3 races were managed in again exhilarating conditions with some very close racing.
The prize giving was held at the Beach Clubhouse to allow the visitors time to pack up. Awards were made for the UKIDA TT3 travellers event, the UKIDA Handicap and for the Scottish Championships. Also additional recognition to the youngest competitor Reggie Porter (12 years old) and Francois Morisset furthest travelled from Sanguinet in France.
Also recognised were the ladies supplying the usual great food and refreshment from the Beach House kitchen, the safety team - who were exceptionally busy over the weekend! And all supporting volunteers who made the weekend such a success.
I will say to the visitors, this was one on the most epic weekends sailing I have ever had on the Tay (this is NOT the norm!)
Look forward to seeing you next year.

Last updated 13:46 on 7 March 2025