Health & Safety Policy - Roles & Responsibilities
The Board of Directors have overall management responsibility for Health and Safety for the activities undertaken by the Club. Health and safety is however a collective responsibility for all employees, volunteers, guests and visitors alike.
The Board will keep this policy under review and will make detailed alterations from time to time as may be appropriate. We shall provide the resources necessary to meet statutory requirements and to take all reasonably practicable measures necessary for health and safety measures to be maintained. The Board will also monitor the implementation of the policy across all the Club's undertakings and activities.
The Board are also responsible for consulting with its members on health and safety matters or proposed changes that may affect the health and safety arrangements to enable the club to operate effectively.
The appointed officers of the club will be responsible for day-to-day implementation of the policy in their areas of responsibility. They are also responsible for consulting with employees and volunteers on health and safety matters and ensuring that they have received the relevant induction and health and safety training in relation to following the relevant risk controls.
All employees/volunteers are required to:
- co-operate with club management/officers on health and safety matters
- not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
- take reasonable care of their own health and safety and actions that may affect others
- report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person as detailed in this policy
- co-operate with club management and officers on health and safety matters
- report all health and safety incidents, unsafe practices including near misses, where someone could have been injured.
All members have an individual responsibility to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and for the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. If a member perceives it is unsafe to proceed, then they should stop and seek guidance and assistance from the responsible person in the first instance, as they have a responsibility not to endanger themselves or others. If any member identifies any potential safety risk that cannot be easily remedied, then they must bring the matter to the attention of the person that is responsible for that area of club activities.
Members should co-operate with club management/officers on health and safety matters and are not to interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.
These committees are responsible for ensuring that health and safety hazards within their activity area of responsibility are identified and that risk assessments are undertaken where significant risk exists. The relevant committee is responsible for ensuring that those risk assessments are undertaken and approved, with the relevant risk controls being implemented within the specified time scale. These committees are also responsible for ensuring the risk assessments and controls are reviewed within the specified timescale as stated in each risk assessment. Additional information regarding areas of responsibilities for risk control is detailed in the club's Health & Safety Risk Assessment document.
Training and evaluating the competency of individuals to undertake tasks
Induction training will be provided for all employees by the persons responsible for the area of activity. This will include relevant safety checks and assisting with fire evacuation procedures.
Task-specific training will be the responsibility of:
Designated Group | Responsibility |
Employees | Convener |
Sailing | Commodore/Cadet Officer/SIs |
Rowing | Rowing Captain/RPs |
Safety & Rescue services | Safe Boat Officer |
Moorings and Workboat | Moorings Officer |
Dinghy Park | Commodore |
Member Maintenance Volunteers | Member Maintenance Volunteer Leader |
Cadets | Cadet Officer |
Harbour Shed Volunteers | Harbour Shed Officer |
All accidents or reportable incidents must be logged in the Club Accident Book within 24 hours of the incident. The reports should be completed in full and also show detail of corrective actions taken to avoid a recurrence. Any land-based reportable incident that is reportable under the Reporting of Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) must be brought to the attention of Board of Directors. Any RIDDOR incidents occurring on land will be reported to Dundee City Council.
Provision for safe plant, equipment and substances
No | Requirement | Responsibility |
1 | All equipment/plant needing maintenance is identified, and for ensuring that insurance warranties/cover are purchased if applicable, and requirements implemented | Management Committee |
2 | Ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up for work equipment. | Management Committee |
3 | To check that new plant and equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased and brought into use. | Management Committee |
4 | Operational status of safety boats and authorised users. | Sports Committee/Tay Sail Training |
5 | All tractor, quad bike, and boat lifter drivers to be suitably qualified, and trained. | Sports Committee/Tay Sail Training |
6 | That maintenance arrangements are established for the safe use of as installations. | Management Committee |
7 | The electrical installations are regularly inspected and maintained in a safe working order, with appropriate documentation retained | Management Committee |
8 | That a water management programme is introduced and maintained to manage the legionella risk associated with water systems. | Management Committee |
Any problems found with plant/equipment/maintenance should be reported to the Board of Directors.
This Health & Safety Policy will be kept under regular review and will be brought to the attention of managers, employees and the members of the Sports Committee and Management Committee.
Health & Safety Policy Statement
It is the policy and practice of Royal Tay Yacht Club to promote a health and safety culture, maintain a safe and healthy environment and to provide suitably maintained equipment and safe systems as far as reasonably practicable for all our employees, volunteers, members and their guests. We will provide such information, training and safety boat equipment, that may be required to enable the club to carry out club activities in a safe and competent manner.
The club will ensure that, as far as reasonably practicable, our water sports activities will not endanger other water users or the general public and that all potential hazards will be regularly assessed, and that this information will be made available to all parties if any activity or operation carried out by us has the potential to cause injury.
The club requires all members to comply with the roles and responsibilities as listed below and whilst using the Club facilities, to conduct themselves in a safe and conscientious way, ensuring that at all times activities are carried out in a safe manner.
The club will fully comply with all current Health and Safety Legislation and incorporate ongoing amendments. This will be achieved by:
· providing adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our club activities
· consulting with our members, employees and volunteers on matters affecting their health and safety
· maintaining links with the National Governing Bodies covering our sports activities
· providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment
· ensuring the safe handling, storage and use of substances
· providing information, instruction and supervision/advice for employees, volunteers and members as appropriate, to ensure all employees and volunteers are competent and supported to do their tasks
· providing adequate training as necessary and to enable risk controls to be effectively followed
· taking measures to minimise the risks of accidents or ill health arising out of the club's activities
· undertaking risk assessments of significant risks and keeping those assessments under review
· providing safe and healthy working conditions and environments and to provide safe and healthy operating procedures; ensuring that this policy is kept under review at a regular interval
Last updated 13:00 on 2 March 2025