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Why Gocardless?

Our Club management system, Sailing Club Manager, collects Direct Debits using GoCardless (a direct debit bureau authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority). We have been using the system for several years and it has been extremely reliable and helpful to the club and members alike. Go cardless takes care of all the interaction between you and your bank and the club does not hold any financial information.

The advantages for members are that it can

easily be used to pay for social events and other club activities booked through the website, not just membership subscriptions and fees for facilities

help members keep track of amounts owed the club so that they do not fall into arrears

allow members to opt for monthly instalments of membership and stance fees, if wished.

The advantage to the Club is that using GoCardless means accounts are settled promptly which saves time for the club staff and volunteers.

Once set up, we will collect payment for invoices we have sent to you using a direct debit from your bank account. You will still receive an invoice from us and GoCardless will notify you three working days before payment is taken from your bank account. You can choose to stop the payment if you do not agree with the amount we have invoiced. This is the Direct Debit Guarantee which Gocardless upholds just like any other Direct Debit provider in UK.

To register with GoCardless, follow the link in the SCM 'My Info' area and follow the instructions. You will need your bank account sort code and account number and will also be asked to enter your name and address.

If you have forgotten your password which enables you to log in to the Members Area of the website, please press the Forgotten Password link on the log in screen and a new password will be sent to your email address.

If you have any questions, or encounter any problems, please call or email the club.

Last updated 18:50 on 24 March 2025

© 2025 Royal Tay Yacht Club powered by Sailing Club Manager