Dinghy Park
RTYC Dinghy Stance Agreement
Royal Tay Yacht Club Ltd
Procedures for New Applications Only
Complete this application form.
Use to apply for dinghy park stance or locker
Completion of the form means you accept the conditions below:-
Terms and conditions - as of 1st April 2023
Only members, temporary members and guests can use the storage facilities.
Storage fee
1. Rental fees are due annually on 1 January from Jan 2024. Fees will be set
for small, medium and large stances based on area of stance.
2. The rental fee is reviewed annually by the Club. New fees will be
advertised on the website and communicated directly to existing users.
3. I will tell the Club if I change my boat, both so that the Club can update it
records and to recalculate the fee if necessary.
4. If I sell my boat I will inform the Club and if the new owner is a member
advise the Club accordingly in order that they can be contacted to ask if
they wish to make a new storage application.
Storage and boat condition
5. I will make sure that:
a. my boat is tied down adequately to reduce the risk of it moving and damaging other boats
b. my trolley and boat are in a movable condition (e.g. tyres blown up
and boat secured to trailer/trolley
c. I only secure my boat with a hitch lock so that it can be moved
when I am not present. I understand that the Club reserves the
right to cut off any locking mechanism if it needs to move my boat
and not to compensate me
d. I will display a tag provided by the Club annually to indicate: my
name as owner, sail number and confirmation that the current
years storage fee is paid.
e. Any road base will be need to stored under the boat in its stance.
6. I understand that the Club will allocate my boat a stance. This will be
based on expected frequency of use; size of boat and to make efficient
use of space. I understand that my boat stance and boat may be moved
during the year and that this may happen without me being present, for
the following reasons:
a. the safety of my boat or another
b. proper secure and efficient running of the Club and dinghy park
c. if my membership has expired or fees are in arrears
d. for maintenance.
Regular use
7. I understand that active members, who make the greatest use of their
vessels during the year, will be given priority allocation the following year,
whilst inactive members (using less than 6 times per year) may be
required to remove their vessels to make way for new members. If I don't
use my boat at least 6 times each year I understand that the Club may
end the storage agreement on 31 st December of each year unless there
are extenuating circumstances.
For sailors involved in racing their usage can be monitored from the race
entry system.
For members not involved in racing their usage should be noted in the
logbook which will be kept in the Beach Clubhouse. The log will consist of
the date of the trip, the name of the member and the name or sail
number of the boat.
8. I will maintain boat insurance which includes Third third-party accident cover to the value of £3,000,000; which is the same requirement as for boats sailed at the Club.
9. The Club does not accept any liability for loss or damage of boats, trailers
and other equipment stored in the dinghy park however that damage is
caused. This includes damage caused by the need to move my boat when
I am not present. The Club will take reasonable steps to maintain the
fences and gates, however, I understand that the premises are accessible
by members and as such the Club cannot guarantee that the gates will be
secured at all times.
End of membership
10. If I end my membership of the Club or don't renew it, I will remove my
boat and any trailer from the dinghy park within 28 days of the date of my
resignation becoming effective, or end of the membership period.
Unpaid fee
11. I agree that, if the annual dingy park fees remain unpaid by 1 March:
a. The Club is entitled to move my boat to any other part of the
premises without being liable for any loss of or damage to the boat
howsoever caused
b. The Club is entitled to give me notice that the fee is unpaid in
writing by post or/and email to my last known address
c. The Club, after it has given me notice of non payment, is entitled to
give me notice of its intention to dispose of my boat. This notice will
be sent twice in writing by post or/and email to my last known
d. If I do not pay the fee or remove my boat the Club is entitled to sell
my boat and to deduct any monies due to the Club (whether by way
of arrears of subscriptions or Dinghy Park fees or otherwise) from
the net proceeds of sale before accounting for the balance (if any)
to me. Any boat which, in the opinion of the Club, cannot be sold
may, can be disposed of in any way the Club may think fit and the
expenses recovered from the member or former member.
Breach of agreement
12. The Club may give me 1 months notice to remove my boat if I do not
keep to the terms of this agreement.
Dinghy Park Stance Fees 2023 -2025 | ||||
Category | Fee 2023 | 2023 Pro-rata to 31st Dec | Fee 2024 | Fee 2025 |
small - laser, solo, topper, feva. | 40 | £30 | £60 | £80 |
Medium - small dinghy on a road base, Kestrel, 4000, RS200/400, medium rowing boat | £60 | £45 | £90 | £120 |
Large - large rowing boats, catamarans | £80 | £60 | £120 | £160 |
Junior/young adults dinghy stance fees are set at 50% of the medium stance so for 2024 that's £45 per annum.
Last updated 19:08 on 24 March 2025