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Keel Boats

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There have been keel boats at RTYC since the 19th century

But now they are a little bit different with GRP being the preferred construction rather than the high-maintenance traditional wooden vessels. RTYC members have a variety of keelboats of varying sizes, purpose and performance. The Club caters for them all. Members keep keel boats on swinging moorings in West Ferry Bay, in the marina across the water in Tayport and in other parts of the country, particularly the West Coast of Scotland. One member has a racing keelboat which he keeps on the south coast and successfully competes at a high level at home and overseas. Many members who prefer keelboat sailing opt to charter rather than own.

Keelboat sailors at home benefit from a programme of day sail and weekend musters, estuary trophy races and a very relaxed and enjoyable Tuesday afternoon series. For those wanting to keep their boats in West Ferry bay, the Club has an excellent work boat for laying and lifting moorings and within the membership there is plenty of knowledge and experience to help with advising on moorings and boat maintenance.

Keelboat Calendar

Harbour Shed at Broughty Harbour

A good number of keel boats are winterised in the extensive covered accommodation of the Harbour Shed at Broughty Harbour, where there is a tractor on hand to help with moving vessels for the annual crane in/ crane out.

Many keel boat sailors are keen to extend their knowledge and through the club courses can be arranged in navigation and seamanship, short range radio and diesel engine maintenance.

Last updated 19:27 on 24 March 2025

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