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RTYC is a very popular venue for dinghy sailors and it is not surprising why! Open sailing waters, good prevailing winds, launching and recovery at all states of tide, possibly one of the shortest distances from boat park to the water. What more could be ask for? The tidal flow. . . well that simply adds to the challenge and the fun of sailing in tidal waters. RTYC has a strong fleet of dinghies and there is a great variety within the Club, currently the most popular classes being Kestrel, Laser, Topper and RS Feva. The Club encourages both recreational sailing and competitive sailing with the Sports Programme offering an immense number of opportunities to sail in company throughout the principal sailing season which runs from the beginning of April until the end of September and then into the winter months with the very popular Winter Series.

Spoilt For Choice

RTYC dinghy sailors are of course free to sail any time but for those recreational sailors wanting to sail in company with safety boat cover there are organised sessions on many Thursday evenings, almost every Saturday throughout the main season and on a number of Sundays. For the more competitive sailor there is a comprehensive race programme with evening points races (mainly on Tuesdays), weekend regattas, trophy races, a spring, autumn and winter series with the final throw of the dice being the Boxing Day Bonanza. RTYC dinghy sailors are simply spoilt for choice.

For the non boat owners there can be crewing opportunities as well as the use of training boats.

Training through RYA structured courses is available while our younger sailors enjoy training and fun on the water through the very active Cadet section.

The club also has an active dinghy/Dart racing program - Dinghy Racing calendar

Last updated 18:50 on 24 March 2025

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